The data you need to build resilient roads.
A moisture digital twin for your network.

Stop digging test pits and get a complete picture of subsurface moisture conditions.
Non-invasive, high speed data collection performed on your network
Instant visualisation within minutes of capture
Relative network moisture shown in plan and linear section views
Attributed and aggregated along road centreline references
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Network Scan

High speed, multi-directional scanning that captures network moisture data at scale.

You'll be able to:

Identify unknown and high risk moisture areas in your network
Reduce rework by using moisture data to inform root causes of deterioration and the correct treatments to execute
Justify and challenge investments by prioritising works based on the presence and severity of moisture
Transition from reactive to preventative drainage and sealing treatments that extend pavement life and reduce costs
Assess effectiveness of maintenance treatments with verifying moisture data
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Arthurs Pass State Highway
Best for State Highway & District Council Networks

Segment Scan

Scanning that captures road segments with high detail, accuracy and cross-sectional coverage.

You'll be able to:

Control quality during construction by monitoring optimum compaction and moisture content across full road extents
Verify an optimal moisture state of entire site post construction for contractual alignment and handover
Investigate extent of existing / residual moisture issues to determine root cause and inform correct course of action
Verify effectiveness of rehab or remedial works
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TDRI Trailer System Scanning Road Segment
Best for Road Construction & Rehab Projects

Moisture Matters

Increased water content in a road pavement structure reduces its bearing and increases its degradation under traffic loading.

What research has found:
Road deterioration can occur 2.5x faster when increased moisture is present1
For pavements with increased moisture, an estimated 12-30% of road maintenance cost savings can be achieved with proactive sub-surface moisture detection2
TDRI Trailer Technology Image

How Our Technology Measures Moisture

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We’ve developed a novel trailer system that advances the application of Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) technology.

This breakthrough system has a configuration of sensor transmission rods that sit parallel and adjacent to the road surface, allowing for high speed, continuous and non-invasive measurement of the subsurface material. In comparison, legacy road subsurface moisture systems have typically come in the form invasive test pits or radioactive NDM's.

The TDR measurement method directly detects a material's dielectric constant, which is a measure of how well that material absorbs electromagnetic radiation. The more water the material contains, the higher its dielectric constant.

Our system does this by propagating an electromagnetic pulse down the transmission rods and through the target material. The pulses time to return is directly related to the dielectric constant, and therefore moisture content of the material.

The system captures 5-20 samples per second at 1200mm width down to 250mm depth.

How we deliver your data

1. Complete Scan
We mobilise on site, calibrate the unit, then scan while driving over the scoped area.
2. Package Data
Data is packaged into a project account for easy access.
3. Portal Access
We provide account login access to our portal for data visualisation and extraction.

What you get

Continuous, time and location stamped moisture readings
Relative network moisture shown in plan and linear section views
Attributed and aggregated along road centreline references
Exportable and compatible data with other industry software
Multi user access for representatives associated with your projects
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Extract of TDRI Portal

What our clients are saying

“Fulton Hogan is excited that this latest data will support works prioritisation, decision making and development of targeted outcomes with clients. Collecting moisture content of an entire network at high speed without disruption is a real advantage over previous test pit / lab test techniques.

We’re aligning our previous maintenance activities with the moisture readings to understand what methods and treatments are best at reducing moisture within the surface and pavement layers. Proving what works well in each region also provides us support for future maintenance activities.”
- Craig Reed
Senior Technical Asset Manager, Fulton Hogan

Read our latest case study

Learn how a Network Scan has helped Fulton Hogan find opportunities to justify, prioritise and challenge FWPs, and propose preventative drainage maintenance in unflagged areas.

This showcases how you can:

Integrate TDRI moisture data into Junoviewer
Aggregate TDRI moisture data against other high speed data and FWPs in linear referenced chainage blocks
Analyse where moisture correlates with deterioration and FWPs
Identify unknown high risk moisture areas of your network
Prioritise and plan cost optimal drainage and pavement works
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